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Sunday, December 15, 2002

I saw Star Trek: Nemesis Friday night, in a theater in Woodland Hills. The theater was very nice, beautiful screen, stadium seating, and a food court downstairs. It was pretty much empty, though. Granted, it was a late showing (10:30PM), but I was expecting at least a mostly full theater. Instead, it was about half empty. This doesn’t bode well for anyone hoping they make another ST:TNG film. I have no doubt there will be more Star Trek films, though. Also, the impression I got was that all of Wil’s scenes were cut, but it turns out it was just scenes he had lines in. He was still in a few scenes at the beginning of the movie, but didn’t say anything. As for the movie itself, anyone who said it was the worst of the series must not have seen Insurrection, or The Final Frontier, or the first movie, either. It just wasn’t as bad as those movies. I’m not recommending everyone go rush out and see it, but I enjoyed it, and feel my money was well spent.

Treo update: UPS tried to deliver it to me Friday afternoon, but of course, I was at work. So they tried to drop it off with the apartment manager, who was there but rejected it. She finally got sick of accepting packages for other people, and said “it’s not my job.” If that’s not part of an apartment manager’s job, what does she do, when there are no apartments available? It can’t just be collect the rent…

So I called the UPS 800 number and gave them my infonotice number to see if there was a possibilty I could still pick it up that day. This was already after 6, the closing time for the UPS location near me. I wasn’t hopeful. I was told by the operator that she would send an “urgent pickup request” to the location, and they would call me back within an hour.

About an hour and ten minutes later, I finally got the phone call. They checked to see if that truck was already back at the location, and it was. They pulled the package for me and let me drive out there to pick it up! As much as I complain about UPS not letting me sign a waiver so they’ll just leave stuff at my apartment, they have redeemed themselves. For now.

I thought I just wanted the color Treo for the backlit keyboard. I was wrong. Color is so cool! I love it. And the backlit keyboard kicks ass too. My old Treo (and some other stuff) is now on eBay.

Last night, I wrote another little app for the Treo: RingerFix.

That is all for now, it’s time for me to get to the company holiday party.

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