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Wednesday, December 18, 2002
The Two Towers

I was sitting in my office working last night at around 6, when Roy comes in and asks me if I want to go see a midnight showing of The Two Towers. In Camarillo, 45 minutes away. It’s over 3 hours long. I have to work the next day. So, of course, I decide it would be a good idea. A big part of this decision was the fact that everyone else around here is planning to see it tonight at 7:45, and I can’t make it because of my bowling league. I call Andrew in LA and ask him if he wants to go too. Unsurprisingly, he agrees, and we buy three tickets online, and we make plans to meet at the theater at 11:20.

The drive down to Camarillo was awesome. It’s such a wonderful drive when there’s no one on the road. We got to the theater, and Andrew was already waiting in line, around the back. I’m glad I went home after dinner and grabbed a sweatshirt – it was cold. While waiting in line, I used my Treo to find the nearest Denny’s and get directions. For some reason, GPRS wasn’t working, so I had to resort to dialup, which worked fine. I even got a color map with the directions. Cool.

The movie was absolutely awesome. Everyone should go see it. If you haven’t seen the first one yet, rent or buy the extended edition of it and watch that first. Then go see this as soon as possible. I mean it. It’s that good. It was well worth getting home at 5am and having to be up for work that morning. Definitely.

So, I’ve now seen two movies this month, and also ordered the Back to the Future trilogy on DVD. I’m giving far too much money to the MPAA. I think I’m going to be taking up Lessig’s Challenge shortly. It’s going to be tough (and expensive), but I think it’s something I should do. I’ll probably work out the details this weekend, and post more about it here when I’m ready.

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