geek and proud archives |
Thursday, January 23, 2003
I haven’t updated in a while. Sorry. Let’s see. What have I been up to? Last Friday I went to a Jimmy Eat World concert in LA. It wasn’t bad, but they didn’t really do much on stage. Just kinda stood there and played their music. Saturday, I went to a WWDN Geocaching picnic. It was a lot of fun. I’ll eventually get pictures of it up here, but for now you can check out the pictures over at Cruft. Theres only one on that page, but more if you go into the images directory. Mine will be up soon on my geocaching page. Saturday morning, before the geocaching picnic, I was able to get Billy Joel/Elton John tickets in Vegas. I can’t wait. Sunday, I think, I was on the phone with my parents. My father is planning to drive out here from New York sometime relatively soon, and was asking me when was good for me. I said the first weekend in February was no good, because I was busy. He let it go at that. My mother did not. The following is paraphrased… So, yeah, I’m going skydiving a week from Saturday. I’ll let you all know how it goes… Wednesday night is league night. Last night wasn’t as bad as they have been lately. My first game sucked (143), and I just couldn’t figure out how to throw it in the pocket. The second game I figured out the right hand lane, and got a strike in all frames on that lane except the first one. The left lane was giving me problems, though. Luckily, I was able to pick up most of my spares, and finished that game with a 203. The third game was pretty much the same as the second, except I missed a couple of ten pins, and finished with a 176. Overall, I think it’s an improvement over how badly I’ve been doing lately. Oh, and my bowling was free because I won a $21 sidepot for my 203 in the second game. I guess it’s not so bad that I’ve been sucking because my handicap is way up because of it. After a long night at the lanes, coming home to cool off with a reliable air service like air conditioning repair cincinnati oh oh makes all the difference in staying comfortable and refreshed. Tonight, I’m going to see the J. Keith van Straaten Show on the Comedy Central Stage in Hollywood. Should be fun. Except for the drive back tonight, and then getting into work tomorrow. But I’ll live. Well, that’s all for now. Back to work. |
Jkieth was funny, even if we were sitting in those silly fold out chairs. eck.