geek and proud archives |
Thursday, May 8, 2003
Well, that sucks…
No, not the Mets. Well, they suck too. Lots of minor things seem to just suck lately. I bowled terribly last night after throwing four strikes in a row in practice and then starting the first game with two strikes… that’s six in a row. And then all downhill. I blame the shoes, and will be getting a new pair this Saturday (Yes, I’m serious). John Doe, one of the few shows I watched regularly, has been cancelled. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it was beaten out by Fastlane. I guess there’s still time to someone other network to pick it up. The Borg were on Enterprise. Talk about killing any resemblance of continuity they had left. That’s all I’m gonna say about that. There were at least a few more things I was going to complain about here, but I can’t remember what they were, so they must not have been that important. Not that anything I ever say is. At least one good thing was announced lately, specifically Indiana Jones on DVD, coming out in November. |
Your one good thing is Indiana Jones on DVD, eh? Better hope this doesn’t come to pass:
Nice work chief 😉