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Thursday, June 19, 2003
Been A While

It’s been 11 days since my last entry. I’ve really been meaning to write stuff here, but just haven’t found the time (or the motivation, really). Quite a bit has happened since we made the playoffs…

First off, we lost both of our playoffs games, but they were pretty close (by one run, don’t remember the exact score, and 22-18). Not bad, overall, and we should hopefully get better for next season. I do have to hit the batting cages more often though, as it seems I have completely forgotten how to hit. All I can do now is pop it up to third.

I’ve bowled pretty badly the past two weeks. The league I’m in isn’t quite as competitive as the one I was in the rest of the year, and I don’t think they prepare the lanes for them terribly well, because no one really cares. Yes, I’m blaming the lanes. My ball gets virtually no hook, to the point where I have to use my old one in this league. I got my new one (a year and a half ago) because my old one was hooking for me waaaay too much, and I needed something with a little less. I guess it paid to keep it around, though, because there are times when I can’t do a thing with the new one.

The Mets were involved in three one-hitters in a row, possibly the first time any team’s ever done that. Sunday, Steve Trachsel one-hit the Angels (of course, I had to go to Saturday’s game to see the Mets get blown out, and not Sunday’s). Monday, a Marlins rookie one-hit the Mets. And Tuesday, three Met pitchers combined for a one-hitter against the Marlins, and faced the minimum 27 batters. They still suck.

Saturday night, after the Mets/Angels game, I missed my best online poker NY days from a few years ago, so I went gambling. There’s a casino about 15 minutes from Andrew‘s. Not good. I have to make sure to not go there too often. I don’t consider it lost money, because I enjoy it, but I still don’t want to do it too much. I do love Caribbean Stud and mpo888, though.

I do have more to say, but I can’t remember any of it right now. I’ll leave you with a link to ING Direct where you can open a savings account and get a 2% interest rate, much better than most places around now. By going through that link, you get $50 for signing up, too. (And it’s not a referral link… I get nothing for you signing up through there.) A pretty good deal, if you’re looking to open a savings account.

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Posted by alan to general at 10:51 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)

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