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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Darth Tater!
My file cabinets were delivered today! So, combined with the kitchen countertop I got at Home Depot, I now finally have a desk. It’s not exactly how I expected, but I think it’s going to work out very nicely. The sticker on the countertop said 30 x 96, so I stupidly assumed it would be 30″ deep. I ordered 28 1/2″ deep file cabinets. As it turns out, the countertop is only 24 1/2″ or so deep, so with the top sitting flush against the front of the cabinets, it’s between 4 and 5 inches away from the wall. It’s actually quite handy, as I have all my cabling running across there now. I set up my Windows box on it and can finally play poker without killing myself sideways on my couch. Now I just need a new chair. With my poker machine set up on my new desk, I actually got around to playing a little bit tonight. I discovered Stars’ new 20 table (180 player) SNGs. Awesome idea. I love being able to get into a smallish MTT any time I want. It’s part of the reason I liked UB back when I started playing. They had those $5 tourneys like every half hour. I played in one $20+2 20-table SNG, was absolutely card dead for the whole thing, and finally busted in 92nd when the first real hand I saw was dominated (KK vs AA). I think I’m really going to like these things, though. I made around $60 (including losing $40 with AA vs 99 all-in preflop) playing two $100NL 6max games at Stars while playing in the SNG. I used to not play there because the competition was so tough… well, it seems to have changed. I saw some of the most horrible plays there that I’ve ever seen. I think I’m going to have to go back. Maybe just the limit game at Stars is tough. Or I suck at limit. Either way. Hopefully, I’ll really get back into the online poker thing shortly. |
Fatwallet is crack.
This is why the stores who hate on Fatwallet are missing out on the energy of consumption.
When a deal like the “Darth Vader Potato Head” pops up, there are gonna be a huge batch of people buying them that would have otherwise ignored them. There is a crazy momentum that happens in some of us when we see a deal there — you’re just drawn to check it out.
Then, you’re in the store anyway so you might as well grab some peanut butter or diapers or tshirts or something else.
Big retailers who don’t leverage Fatwallet magic are missing out.
comes with lightsaber, cape, helmet, shoes, eyes, nose, teeth, and more! via geek and proud
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