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Thursday, December 13, 2007
So close…

I really should be doing a Vegas writeup of some sort, but that’s unlikely to actually happen. Every night I bowl, there’s a national strike pot going. $2 to get into the regular, $3 for the super. To win the regular, I need to throw a strike in the third, sixth, and ninth frames of all three games, and the tenth frame of the third game. For the super, I need that, plus the next two strikes to finish off the third game. Last night, I had the first NINE of them. Then I threw a perfect shot, and left a ten pin. Payout for this thing is usually over $1000. I think that pin felt worse than when I shot my 299 game. Dammit.

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Posted by alan to [bowling, microblog] at 10:57 am PT | Link | Comments (5)

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Comment by Brad
2007-12-14 08:57:34


Comment by joaquin ochoa
2007-12-14 11:46:23

I don’t get it. Dude, either you do too much math in your head or you are out there. What is the deal with the damn machine below? What does it do to the TV?

Comment by alan
2007-12-14 13:42:48

It’s… what makes time travel possible.

Comment by Brad
2007-12-17 14:06:07

ummm… “Back to the Future” ring a bell? Michael J. Fox? Christopher Lloyd? “Let’s see if these bastards can do 90?” Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Comment by joaquin ochoa
2007-12-17 09:33:04

Dear God…no comment.

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