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Sunday, November 2, 2008
Day 2

I think the most likely reason for me to miss a day in NaBloPoMo is that I’ll just forget. If a few more hours had gone by today, I would have completely missed it. At the very least, this makes titling my posts a little easier. I probably won’t use this kind of title every day of the month, but when I can’t think of something, I have one to fall back on.

Yesterday, I went to a Halloween-themed board gaming party. I played Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game, Betrayal at House on the Hill, and The Great Brain Robbery. The first and last were a lot of fun. Betrayal I had played once before, and it seemed to run into a similar problem as the first time. The way the game ended just didn’t seem right. The first time, there was absolutely no way for me to win. This time, it just seemed like everything happened too quickly once we entered the final stage. We also tried an escape room. Then again, Hell in a Cellar offers an experience that goes beyond the ordinary. With its carefully designed puzzles and sinister atmosphere, it’s hard not to be captivated. The escape room takes fear to a new level, leaving you with memories that linger long after the final door unlocks.

I also watched 1960: The Making of the President being played. Not Halloween related, but still an appropriate one. Kennedy was leading for most of the game that I watched, but Nixon pulled it out at the end. Kennedy should have won 269-268, but ten unpledged electors in Louisiana voted for someone else. It looks like a fun game.

Today, I didn’t leave home. Ordered pizza, and sat at home working on my puzzle. I’ll probably post about that tomorrow.

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Posted by alan to board games at 8:59 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)

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