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Friday, August 1, 2003
I paid my deposit and first month’s rent yesterday. My move in date is September 12th, and I can’t wait. (It was going to be September 11th, but I had them push it back a day at my mother’s request.) It’s a beautiful place, and hopefully doesn’t have the problems I have where I’m currently living. Also, it has a pool, a ping pong table, a pool table, and a fitness center. Now I just have to call some movers and set things up, and give my notice for my current apartment. RIAA Radar There’s a cool website/search engine called RIAA Radar that will tell you if a given CD was released by an RIAA company or not. Nice if you still want to buy music, but not RIAA music.
Monday, July 28, 2003
Incredible Luck
I went out apartment hunting this weekend, for reasons you already know if you read this often. I found a complex I liked, but they didn’t have any upcoming two bedroom apartments (the one bedrooms were too small for me) on the bottom floor. I want to be on the bottom floor for heat reasons. So anyway, I went in today between work and bowling to drop off the application to get on the waiting list for a downstairs apartment. While I was at the bowling alley about an hour and a half later, I got a call on my cell phone. Turns out about an hour after I left, someone came in and gave their thirty days notice that they would be vacating a downstairs, two bedroom, corner apartment. I just can’t believe the timing… As for the bowling, I did extremely well tonight. My parents were there, because they’re in Santa Barbara for the week, and they got to watch me bowl a 634 series (223-221-190). I’m very happy with that series, and it brought my league average up over 180. The last game – the 190 – I don’t know how I pulled that off. It seemed every shot I threw was awful, I left three splits in my first five frames, and don’t remember getting two strikes in a row in that game. But somehow, it turned into a reasonable game. The other two games I was just throwing good shots. Time to sleep. Good night.
My birthday was on Friday (the 25th.) If anyone wanted to know in advance… well, sorry. I didn’t think to post anything about it. It was a pretty good day: Work as normal, but the friends I went to lunch with paid for my lunch. My parents showed up in Santa Barbara Friday night, and I went out to eat with them for dinner. I didn’t really do much else, but it was still a good day. I’m now 24. Michael’s birthday is today, and my mother’s and Wil’s are tomorrow. Anyone else? 🙂
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Wil has just started offering text ads on his website. I figured I would buy one just to see what happens. The click-through rate is incredible, compared to what I’ve read about most web advertising. At the moment, I’ve got a 6.94% clickthrough percentage, for 125 hits… and one comment left. Still, it’s pretty cool, and hopefully I’ll get a few more readers. The House, in an overwhelming 400-21 vote, voted to overturn parts of the FCC’s new media deregulation rules. The vote specifically rolls back the part that would allow a single company to own television stations reaching 45% of the country. This number would be reduced to 35%, which is where it was prior to the FCC ruling. The Bush administration has threatened to veto the FCC funding bill that these rollbacks are attached to unless the language is changed and 45% number is allowed to stand. Hopefully, if we can get a similarly lopsided vote out of the Senate, the President will lose that veto power. At least we have some elected officials with some common sense.
Monday, July 21, 2003
More Bowling
It seems like most of what I’ve been doing here lately has been just telling you my bowling scores. In keeping with that tradition… Tonight I threw a 159 sandwiched between a 214 and a 209. A good series, at 582 (194 average), but a little annoying the way I did it. I didn’t convert a single ten pin, and left (I think) four of them in the middle game, which accounted for the score. That’s not an excuse. I should be able to get that pin, and just sucked at it tonight. All four I left were on nice pocket shots, though. This series raised my average in the league a pin and a half, from 174.3 to 176.8. I’m just hoping I can keep this up. As for anything else of note… well, there really isn’t much. My parents are driving here from New York, and should be getting here Friday (my birthday!). My apartment is still too damn hot. The Mets still suck. I still have nothing interesting to say. I’m working on that… really. Honest.
Thursday, July 17, 2003
I hate stupid people
I ship to the UNITED STATES ONLY and accept PAYPAL ONLY. If you do not live in the United States, or are not willing to use PayPal, do not bid. Actual size and color. Subject: Question for seller — Item #3336XXXXXX
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Good Riddance
The Mets have traded Armando Benitez, the closer who can only save games when it doesn’t matter, to the Yankees, of all teams. He’ll be setting up Mariano Rivera, and hoepfully pitching about as well for them as he did for the Mets (read: badly.) They also traded Roberto Alomar to the White Sox a while ago, and Jeromy Burnitz to the Dodgers recently. I’m not sad to see Alomar go, but I would have liked to hold onto Burnitz. Unfortunately, this was his walk year, he had never been a free agent before and said he wanted to try it, and he wanted to finish his career on the west coast. At least the Mets got something for him, I guess. I’m actually going to be getting into work fairly early tomorrow. At least that’s the plan, anyway, seeing as I have to have my car moved out of the parking lot at home by 8am. They’re repaving it… I should probably get to sleep fairly soon since I have to get up early.
Monday, July 14, 2003
Not Bad
Well, it’s not a 638 or a 625, but a 581 isn’t bad. I threw a 190, 205, and a 186 today. I’ve averaged 205 over my last nine games. I’m pretty happy with that. That’s it for now.
Sunday, July 13, 2003
I spent most of yesterday cleaning up my apartment, specifically the bathroom and shower. It really needed it. Last night, I went bowling at Canoga Park Bowl. I like the lanes there a lot, and usually bowl pretty well. Last night, I bowled very well, with a 625 series (214-222-189). Only one of my strikes in those three games crossed over to the wrong side of the head pin, the rest were basically in the pocket. I was very happy with it. Over my last six games now (three there, three at Zodos), I’ve averaged 210. Let’s see how long I can keep it up… I found a nice little Palm program to keep track of all my scores. It’s called McBowling. Works pretty well. I started using it with my 638 series last week, so these six games are the only ones in it right now. Today, I need to get my car smog checked, get an oil change, get a haircut, and finish up my cleaning. I should get on that now before everything closes today.
Monday, July 7, 2003
My kitchen sink is full of them, and I’m too lazy to go deal with it right now. This really sucks. I really have to get out of this place sometime soon, I’m getting rather sick of it. I’m just too lazy to look for another place to live, too. In better news, I actually bowled well in league tonight, with a 638 series (243-195-200). It was fun for a change, because I was doing well. I now have the highest scratch game and scratch series in the league (but not highest handicap game, and I don’t think I have the highest handicap series either.) That is all for now. |