geek and proud archives |
Friday, January 31, 2003
Tonight, I’m driving down to Riverside. Tomorrow, I go to Perris Valley Skydiving and jump out of a plane. I’m doing a tandem jump, so I don’t actually have to know what I’m doing or anything. I just get strapped to someone else who knows what to do, and go along for the ride. I’m a little nervous maybe, but not really. I’m more excited than anything else, I think. What worries me the most is that I’ll like it too much, because it’s a very expensive hobby to get into. I think I’ll be able to resist, though. The hours of training courses necessary if I actually want to take it up don’t sound too appealing. That’s about it for now. If I don’t post again by Sunday night, you should start worrying…
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
What the…?
I just don’t get it. How could they go and do something like this? These new uniforms are just horrible. I threw a 176-149-211 today. I don’t like the middle game, but overall I guess I’m pleased. Now if I can just keep up that last game for next week… Not really much else to say. Sorry, my life’s just not that interesting.
Monday, January 27, 2003
I got a sore throat and cough last night shortly before going to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I had a sore throat, cough, stuffed nose, and headache. I’m feeling better now, though. Hopefully whatever it was is gone. Not all that much interesting to say. My younger brother Jonathan is on Semester at Sea right now. He gets online from the boat once in a while and can chat on AIM… for fifty cents a minute. He never stays on terribly long. He was on long enough today to tell me that he got me a baseball bat in Cuba, though. Brad (my older brother) went with him to the Bahamas to see him off. Pictures here. I’ve put up some pictures from the geocaching picnic. Enjoy.
Saturday, January 25, 2003
More Stuff
This is what happens when your Brita falls off the counter while you’re cleaning it. I finally pulled out a thermometer (my darkroom thermometer, actually) to see how hot it is in here. It’s 84 degrees. I have no idea where the heat is coming from, or what I can do about it, short of getting air conditioning. It’s a nice 60 degrees outside… but if I open the windows, I get smoke coming in most of the time. Damnit. And it doesn’t really seem to help the temperature in here, anyway.
Thursday, January 23, 2003
I haven’t updated in a while. Sorry. Let’s see. What have I been up to? Last Friday I went to a Jimmy Eat World concert in LA. It wasn’t bad, but they didn’t really do much on stage. Just kinda stood there and played their music. Saturday, I went to a WWDN Geocaching picnic. It was a lot of fun. I’ll eventually get pictures of it up here, but for now you can check out the pictures over at Cruft. Theres only one on that page, but more if you go into the images directory. Mine will be up soon on my geocaching page. Saturday morning, before the geocaching picnic, I was able to get Billy Joel/Elton John tickets in Vegas. I can’t wait. Sunday, I think, I was on the phone with my parents. My father is planning to drive out here from New York sometime relatively soon, and was asking me when was good for me. I said the first weekend in February was no good, because I was busy. He let it go at that. My mother did not. The following is paraphrased… So, yeah, I’m going skydiving a week from Saturday. I’ll let you all know how it goes… Wednesday night is league night. Last night wasn’t as bad as they have been lately. My first game sucked (143), and I just couldn’t figure out how to throw it in the pocket. The second game I figured out the right hand lane, and got a strike in all frames on that lane except the first one. The left lane was giving me problems, though. Luckily, I was able to pick up most of my spares, and finished that game with a 203. The third game was pretty much the same as the second, except I missed a couple of ten pins, and finished with a 176. Overall, I think it’s an improvement over how badly I’ve been doing lately. Oh, and my bowling was free because I won a $21 sidepot for my 203 in the second game. I guess it’s not so bad that I’ve been sucking because my handicap is way up because of it. After a long night at the lanes, coming home to cool off with a reliable air service like air conditioning repair cincinnati oh oh makes all the difference in staying comfortable and refreshed. Tonight, I’m going to see the J. Keith van Straaten Show on the Comedy Central Stage in Hollywood. Should be fun. Except for the drive back tonight, and then getting into work tomorrow. But I’ll live. Well, that’s all for now. Back to work.
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Mickey Still Locked Up
The Supreme Court rejected the challenge to the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998. I could write a nice rant about it here, but Dan Gillmor said it better than I ever could.
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Face to Face
I don’t think they actually call it the Face to Face tour(s) anymore, but that’s what Billy Joel and Elton John used to call their tour together. Well, they’re still doing it. They’re going to be in Vegas in March. People on the WWDN soapbox had already been planning a get together there that weekend. It couldn’t have worked out better. I’m going to see Billy and Elton in Vegas! If I can get tickets… Update: According to this, it’s still called Face to Face.
Monday, January 13, 2003
Selig does something right!
The MLB All-Star Game has become a joke. Managers try to get everyone on the team in the game, instead of trying to win. Fans just vote for their favorite players, not the ones who actually deserve to be there. The outcome of the game means nothing, and last year ended in an embarassing tie, because both teams ran out of pitchers. Finally, that is going to change. The All-Star Game will mean something. Players will want to win. It will determine which league gets home field advantage for the World Series. It wil no longer be a meaningless exhibition game… Now if only we could get rid of the rule that says every team needs a representative on the team, it would be almost perfect.
Sunday, January 12, 2003
Wow, what a weekend. Eli, Cassie, and Randy (yes, I’m using their real names, not their usernames on the soapbox) got here Thursday evening. We met up with Sarah, who lives around here, and went out to dinner. Afterwards, we attempted to get to sleep early, as we had to get up at around 5:30 to get to Disneyland at 9:00 (I of course, failed miserably at this getting to sleep early, and instead stayed up trying to overclock my new 48x24x48 CD-RW drive to 52x24x52). I did manage to wake up early and get out the door only 15 minutes later than planned. We picked up Sarah and headed down towards Anaheim. There was surprisingly little traffic, and we got there at around 8:40 so we hung around awhile waiting for people to show up. Everyone we were expecting finally showed up, and we went into the park. We did the typical Disneyland stuff, went on rides, wandered around. It was a ton of fun. Wil showed up around 11, we went on a few more rides, found the Phone Home geocache in the park, and then met some more people for lunch. Immediately after lunch, we hit Space Mountain (er.. FedEx Mountain) again (and none of us threw up), and then headed over to Disney’s California Adventure. I had heard some bad things about DCA, but it was really cool. It seemed more like a typical amusement park, and less Disney specific stuff. The rides were really, really cool, even if they had terrible names. Anyway, it was a whole lot of fun. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face all day (not that I tried, really). It was great to meet some of the people from the soapbox and just hang out with them all day. For dinner, we went to the ESPN Zone. It was pretty good, and just sitting there talking with everyone kicked ass. After dinner, we started the long drive home. I had gotten around three hours of sleep the night before, and been up and walking around for around thirteen hours. Luckily, I had my fill of Penguin mints during the day, so I wasn’t terribly tired. We made it back to Santa Barbara alive, and then went right to sleep. Saturday was rather uneventful, compared to Friday. The five of us in Santa Barbara just sat around talking, mostly. We also went bowling (210, 174), too. It was a much simpler day, but still lots of fun. There are pictures of the trip here, and on the geocache page.
Thursday, January 9, 2003
Bowling league picked up again last night after two weeks off for the holidays. I don’t seem to have gotten much better. After 9 games now, my average so far this season is around 30 pins lower than last season. Not good. I’m going to Disneyland tomorrow! More on that afterwards. At the request of Ed, everyone should watch Farscape tomorrow night. There’s still a chance, if the next 11 episodes get good ratings, that it will be continued. It’s not likely, but it’s possible. If you don’t want to watch it, at least set up your Tivo to record it. And then start it playing every time you leave the house. And let your Tivo report your anonymous viewing statistics. These numbers don’t actually count towards the ratings, but they probably do factor in somehow. I guess that’s it for now. |