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Thursday, December 5, 2002
I keep getting nice reminders from Argyle that I don’t post here enough. And he does it so nicely, with a link back here to show everyone just how little I update this. Maybe I should just stop reading his blog. 🙂 I went to Kentucky for Thanksgiving. By “went to Kentucky,” I mean drove two hours to LAX, took a four and a half hour flight to Pittsburgh, and then was in a car for ten hours for the drive to Louisville. The last leg of the trip was four hours longer than it should have been, thanks to two truck drivers who decided to get into an accident. Luckily, I had a new toy to play with, having just purchased a GPS. It made the ten hours bearable, and let me keep an eye on how fast my brother was driving. I got the GPS (a Garmin eTrex Legend) so I could go geocaching, which I did. I went on my first geocache hunt in Kentucky, with my brother, parents, and aunt. For more details on this cache hunt, click here. The trip back to Santa Barbara was rather uneventful, and didn’t take longer than it should have. Before driving back home from LAX, I went to eat with Andrew. He said there was an IHOP basically on my way home, so we met there. It was closed. What kind of IHOP is closed at 11pm on a Saturday night? So instead, we went to Santa Monica (about 5 miles away), and had the best pizza in California at a place called New York Pizza By The Slice, on the Third Street Promenade. That is all for now. I’m really going to try to do this more often.
Friday, November 29, 2002
Thursday, November 28, 2002
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
I hate Michael Powell
The Comcat/AT&T Merger… The FCC voted 3-1 for the deal over the objections of consumer groups, which filed a motion last week asking the agency to delay its decision. The groups claim the new cable giant would limit customers’ choices in television viewing and Internet access. Source: And a short six days later… The download caps, which were introduced by Telstra – and were almost unique to Australian broadband providers earlier this year – are not yet widely seen overseas. But there have been recent reports of US providers considering the pricing regime. Source:,7204,5512000%5E15318%5E%5Enbv%5E15306,00.html And all this shortly after he rejected the Dish Network/DirecTV merger which would have actually created competition for cable companies (and given me my damn local channels.) In other news, I saw Bowling for Columbine today. I highly recommend that everyone go see it. Now.
Friday, November 15, 2002
Just got two CDs [1 2] from Second Spin. Since I don’t actually listen to CDs anymore, the first thing I did was rip them. The next thing to do, of course, was transfer them to my iPod. I really (really really) didn’t want to boot my laptop into Windows, and it’s my only computer with firewire. For some reason, wine isn’t working for me at the moment, so I couldn’t run EphPod from Linux either. So after a little bit of searching, I found gnuPod. It’s basically a bunch of Perl scripts that let you (me) add and delete songs from the iPod in Linux. Awesome. I now have no excuse for not finally getting rid of Windows from my laptop altogether. That’ll probably happen this weekend. I can’t wait to reclaim that whole 2gb of space. 🙂 I found this while browsing around the other day. It’s pretty old, but it’s hilarious, and worth a visit.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Another one
Here is another nice User Friendly comic, related to the one posted earlier. This one’s over two years old though.
I’m still here
I really need to work on posting here more often. Don’t really know why, but I feel like it’s something I should do. Honestly, it’s not laziness that keeps me from posting – it’s just that I generally have nothing to say. I lost my Tony Hawk 4 disc already. Played it about a week, and got pretty far, but now it’s nowhere to be found. Somehow the CD that came with the PS2 network adapter ended up in the Tony Hawk box, and there was nothing in the CD sleeve that came with the network adapter. I fear it went out with the trash. As a result, the network adapter is currently useless to me. I’ll probably end up buying another copy. It rained all weekend in Santa Barbara. It’s not supposed to do that. Prevented me from getting out and finally doing some photography this weekend. I guess my laziness didn’t help there either, but I blame the rain. Of course, after crappy weather on the weekend, it’s been beautiful for the first two days of work this week, when I’m stuck inside. To top that all off, the softball field is still soaked from the weekend, so tonight’s softball game was postponed. We don’t get to lose again for at least another week, now. Here’s a nice little User Friendly for you all to read. I like it. In other news, A-Rod was again denied his MVP award. I still fail to see how an individual award can be best on how well the team does… but I seem to be mostly alone in this. It’s time for me to sleep, now. I’ll be updating this more often. Really. Honest! Or maybe not. I’ll try, anyway. Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to mention. The photo section of the site has been updated recently. I haven’t taken anything new, but I have finally been scanning in some old stuff. The recent scans are in the Pittsburgh section. I’ll hopefully be adding a Santa Barbara section soon.
Saturday, November 2, 2002
Take that, Barry!
I really need to either update this more often, or just give up on it completely. Most likely, neither of those things will happen. So, tough. Let’s see, what’s happened in the two weeks since I last posted. For starters, we lost two more softball games. No big surprise there. Our softball team actually has a webpage, here. Go check it out, if you feel like seeing how bad we are. Last Saturday there was a WWDN party/usermeet in a pub in Pasadena. Around 25 ‘boxers showed up, including the Head Monkey himself, Wil Wheaton. It was a lot of fun. Reminded me a bit of the old PB usermeets, except this time everyone was a mature, civilized adult. Or at least they acted that way for a few hours. And no burning of Magic cards took place. So the first thing we did at Lucky Baldwin’s was watch the Angels amazing comeback in game 6 of the World Series. It was an amazing game, and the whole place went crazy when it was over. The rest of the night was a lot of fun. Not all that much to talk about, really, after we scared away the people who were there, and took the whole upstairs over for ourselves. Just hanging out, talking, being geeks. There are some pictures of the whole event here and here. Moving right along… after the party I was back in Andrew’s apartment dreading the ride home, when I must have gone temporarily insane. I bought tickets for Game 7 of the World Series, from someone on eBay. So I crashed on his extra mattress, and the next day went to a baseball game. Not just any baseball game, Game 7! It kicked so much ass, I can’t even begin to describe it. All I can say is if you ever get a chance to go to a World Series Game 7… take it! You won’t regret it. Especially if the home team wins, the whole place just goes nuts. After the game, we went to eat, and then I drove back to Santa Barbara. Nothing interesting to report since then, I’ve just been working all week. Hopefully I won’t be lazy this weekend and I’ll actually get out and do something. I’ll let you know. 🙂
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
No one is reading this
We won another game! We were missing some people, but managed to grab enough other random people to field a team. I ended up playing third every other inning because of it, instead of second like I normally do, and I didn’t do too badly. I just barely missed a few hard hit balls in the first, all of which were probably just a few inches from my glove. After the first, I made up for it with some nice plays, and started the game ending double play, stepping on the bag and third and then throwing over to first. I also had three hits in the game, and should have had a fourth on the first of four bad calls against us. But we won anyway. They scored eight runs in the first inning, and then we somehow held them to 4 runs the rest of the game. In four different innings, we held them scoreless. I think it was probably a new record for us. The final score was 20-12. We are now 2-1-1, our best record ever four games into the season.
Tuesday, October 8, 2002