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Tuesday, October 8, 2002


Supreme Court hearing arguments tomorrow.

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Posted by alan to general at 4:51 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)
Monday, October 7, 2002

Yankees, Diamondbacks, A’s, and Braves all eliminated in the first round. Who woulda put money on that, anyone? Not me. I went to the game where the Angels put away the Yanks, and it kicked ass. The place was going nuts, and it’s always fun to see the Yankees lose, especially when it means their season is over. On top of that, the Angels win means I get to go to another playoff game Saturday. Kickass.

Wil Wheaton (yes, that Wil Wheaton) recently made the switch to Linux. He set up a Linux Users Group (LUG) forum in the WWDN Soapbox at his website. And he made me a moderator. Crazy.

That is all. If you’re lucky, I’ll post the results of tomorrow night’s softball game. Except nobody’s actually reading this, so it doesn’t matter.

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Posted by alan to general at 10:56 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)
Wednesday, October 2, 2002

We had our second softball game of the season today, and we can still say that we have yet to lose a game. Unfortunately, we’re not 2-0, we’re 1-0-1. Stupid tie game.

I’ve finally started setting up the photo section of my website again. It’s pretty crude right now, but at least it works.

I should update this more often…

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Posted by alan to general at 2:28 am PT | Link | Comments (0)
Tuesday, September 17, 2002

We won our first game! 19-12. I had a 2 rbi single and a bases loaded walk. 🙂

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Posted by alan to general at 10:01 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)
21st Century digital boy

I don’t know how to live, but I’ve got a lot of toys: iPod received and working. Treo still hasn’t had any problems, Pioneer stereo put back in my car (with auxiliary input adapter for iPod.) Things are finally starting to get back to normal, all that’s left to do is return the other car stereo to Circuit City.

I went to the KROQ/Levis Inland Invasion punk concert this weekend. I basically went to see Offspring, Bad Religion, and Blink 182. Blink got booed from the moment they came out (they don’t really belong at a “punk” concert anyway), and as a result, sucked. Or maybe they always suck in concert, I don’t know. Offspring and Bad Religion were awesome, and Social Distortion was pretty damn good too.

Softball season starts tonight! In about an hour, actually. I’ll let everyone (yes, that’s right… all zero people who read this) know how tonight’s game turns out. Actually, maybe it would be better if I just didn’t post about softball until we win a game…

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Posted by alan to general at 7:20 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)
Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Replacement iPod shipped… replacement Treo hasn’t had a problem yet, and I should be getting my old stereo swapped back in relatively soon. Laptop rebate is in the “final stages of processing” and I’m mailing out my Treo rebate stuff tomorrow.

And to top all that off, my electric bill this month is $0.00! Well, it’s like $70, but I paid a deposit of $80 a year ago, and am now getting it back, so no money out of my pocket for this month’s bill. Awesome.

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Posted by alan to general at 11:21 pm PT | Link | Comments (0)

I’ve had nothing terribly interesting to say for a while now. I still don’t, but feel like I should post something here. So, when I have nothing else to talk about, of course the topic always turns to…. baseball.

Well, I was going to write about baseball, but couldn’t think of anything worth saying, except that the Mets just won their 7th straight game, and in doing so, clinched the NL East for the Braves. Wonderful.

On to other news… I have a working Treo again, but still no iPod. It’s been “pending shipping” for like 2 weeks now. And I complain too much.

I guess that’s it for now. I should probably get some sleep or something.

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Posted by alan to general at 12:31 am PT | Link | Comments (0)
Tuesday, September 3, 2002
It ends!

After losing 15 in a row at home, the Mets have finally won a game at Shea. Not like it makes any difference anyway, in another week they’ll be mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. I guess there’s always next year, or something.

On a completely unrelated note, everything I buy lately seems to suck or be broken, and I want my replacements already! My replacement iPod is still at Apple somewhere, my (second) replacement Treo isn’t here yet, and it will probably be a week before I can get that crappy Aiwa stereo removed (and returned) and get my Pioneer put back in. ARGH. At least my laptop works, for the moment.

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Posted by alan to general at 9:22 pm PT | Link | Comments (1)
Thursday, August 29, 2002
It begins…

Amazing what boredom can do to you. I’ve set up a weblog. Not because I have anything interesting to say, because I don’t. Really it was just an experiment to play with blogging software more than anything else, but now here it is. It will (hopefully) eventually work with Netscape 4.7x, but for now you can just get Mozilla, which you should be using anyway. Or galeon if you’re using Linux.

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Posted by alan to general at 1:12 am PT | Link | Comments (1)
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