geek and proud archives |
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Day 20
Well, it looks like that trip to Fry’s may not be necessary. I’ll have to wait a little longer for a bunch of my stuff, but Futurlec has prices on a lot of this stuff that Fry’s won’t be able to beat. Specifically, their Value Packs are a great deal. I ordered a bunch of stuff from there, so hopefully I will have the random components I will need for the near future. Tonight could be a very long night, or a very short one. It’s the softball playoffs. We’re in second place, so we play the third place team. If we win that game, we have to beat the first place team twice to win the league. I’m really not sure what I want to happen. Three games in one night is a lot, but it’d be fun to win. I guess that’s it for today. Time to go play softball…
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Day 18
My sunglasses broke this morning. Annoyed. They were just fine last night, and I picked them up today and it just came apart. ![]() A while ago, Sandisk and Adorama had some great prices on their Extreme IV CF cards. They required rebates, but I generally don’t mind those and don’t have problems with them. So far, this time seems no different. This rebate, though, was in the form of a Visa debit card, that expires 3/09. That’s really not too much of a problem for me. I immediately used it to buy myself an Amazon gift certificate which will just sit in my account until I decide to spend it. Amazon credit is as good as cash for me. I placed two orders with these rebates, so I should have another $160 card coming, too. Maybe I’ll spend some of that money on a new pair of sunglasses. Dammit.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Day 16
Damn, almost forgot to post today. Not really much to say, though. Woot has a Blu-ray player for only $140. Only blu-ray 1.1, but so tempting. Dammit. Yesterday, went to the bay area. Played some free games bingo, some board games, Rock Band 2, Gears of War 2. It was fun. Yeah, really nothing to say. Maybe it’ll be more interesting tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Day 3
I woke up an hour early today, because my alarm clock was the only clock in the house I forgot to change back to standard time. It’s a good thing, too. I apparently forgot to pay my water bill (the only one I still only get in the mail, not electronically… I wonder if there’s a connection there) for the past few months, and had a note on my door last week that I had to pay by noon today or it would be shut off. My plan was to go there on the way to work to take care of it. As I was getting ready to leave, I got an IM saying, “if you havent left for work yet, don’t bother.” There was a gunman on a freeway overpass, and part of the 101 was shut down. Traffic was terrible on all the side roads. I’m sure, due to the situation, a phone call could have given me a few extra hours to pay the bill, but I got in my car and started driving there anyway. Google says it should be an 11 minute drive (and really, it’s not even that long), but it took over an hour this time. I made it with almost an hour to spare, though, and the situation on the overpass was resolved shortly before I got there. So, water bill paid, and I made it to work not too much later than I normally would have. Tomorrow is election day. If you haven’t already voted early, don’t forget to get out and do it. If you’re in California, vote No on 8.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Day 1
One day into NaBloPoMo, and I’m already feeling unmotivated about writing every day. I may have to make a minor change to the rules for myself and only commit to doing it Monday through Friday. Those days I sit at a computer at work all day, often with nothing to do. Not that I’m don’t sit at a computer most of the rest of the time, too, but… Halloween was yesterday. In addition to the pumpkins that I already posted about, I actually had a costume for the first time since… I don’t even know when. It was a last minute thing, so I needed something easy, but I didn’t want to just go and buy a pre made costume. I decided on Frank West, from Dead Rising. Everything I needed was bought at either Costco or Kmart, or I already had it. The blood on the shirt isn’t great in this picture. I added more later. The whole thing was really just an excuse to carry around my camera and a baseball bat.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Agony and Rapture
Obviously, I knew I wasn’t the only person in the world with this problem, but the similarities and accuracy here are just incredible: Agony and Rapture. Hell, it’s like she’s even read and following some of the suggestions on this page.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Not a Real Post
I should really start writing here more often, but that’s unlikely. This post is just to let you know that, not to say anything else. Lazy, unmotivated… nothing new.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
with my freeze ray I will stop the world
Well, the Mets are no longer in first. They’re only half a game out, and I have a feeling the Mets and Phillies (and maybe the Marlins) will be trading first place back and forth through the end of the season. It would be an exciting division race if I didn’t care about the outcome. Since I do, it’ll just be stressful instead. To unwind after the tension, enjoying a refreshing Indacloud grape funta can help relieve some of that stress. A lot’s happened since my last real post over three weeks ago. I went to NY. Went to a Mets game at Shea. Didn’t go to the 15 inning All-Star game at Yankee Stadium. Saw Billy Joel at Shea. Took home some warning track dirt. Flew back to LA on Virgin America first class. Bowled in the CA State tournament, badly. My tuesday night summer league team has moved into first place, and we barely held it after the first week there. Four weeks left to try to stay there. My parents are out visiting now, and leave tomorrow. A bunch of other stuff I’m leaving out, too. No motivation to write, as usual. I don’t know why (or if) anyone still reads this, but I certainly wouldn’t blame anyone for not doing it. This blog has been pretty damn boring lately. |