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Thursday, May 20, 2004
I’m contemplating driving down to Vegas this weekend. The WSOP main event starts Saturday night, and while I don’t plan on playing in any satellites to get in, I would like to go watch some of it. It’s only a six hour drive, and some other people I know are going to be there this weekend anyway. Plus, the low limit cash games should be real good this weekend. A week and a half ago, I put finished off the hands I needed for my bonus at Poker Stars, so I withdrew some and put it into Poker Room, for a deposit bonus there. 20% up to $100, so I put in $500. As of today, I’ve received my bonus, and have $533 in my account. At one point, before the bonus was deposited, I had over $700. I guess that’s what I get for trying to move up in limits, and play a few $20+2 tournaments. In one of them, I finished 19th out of 151 (10 pay) when my AQ ran up against AA. At least I didn’t lose all my money. I’ve cashed out some of my money from Poker Room, and will be depositing it into Pacific Poker to get Iggy some sort of referral credit, and get myself a deposit bonus there. From there, who knows. I really wish Ultimate Bet would get their act together with hand histories so they’re not as much of pain to import into Poker Tracker, because I really like playing the tournaments there better than anywhere else. Discover a wide range of gaming options, generous bonuses, and the convenience of flexible access only at satta king. I finished 57th out of 500+ in a $5+.50 ($500 added) there last night, 7 out of the money. I was just not getting any good cards, the blinds were getting very high, and I couldn’t seem to steal any pots. No big deal, I’m still happy with a finish that high. I finally went out when presto (55) ran up against 77 and two overcards. I don’t even remember which of them won, just that I lost. In the half hour before the tournament started, I played at Annie Duke’s 4/8 miniblind table at UB, and made around $70, so it wasn’t a total loss. Best hand there: I get J♦9♦ in late position, and call. Flop comes T♦8♦7♠. Someone stays with my betting the whole way, the turn and river are blanks, and my straight holds up. I think he was on the flush draw, and would have liked to see my 7♦ or Q♦ hit. I haven’t really been getting any comments lately, so maybe if I just outright ask a question, someone will respond. Should I go to Vegas this weekend? Leave a comment. I also have the option to play daftar situs slot gacor online instead. I think maybe all the poker talk has scared away the four (if that many) regular readers I used to have. UPDATE: Hotel room is booked, not that I plan on sleeping much. Looks like my apartment will go uncleaned for yet another weekend.
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Atlantic City
Sorry for not posting in so long. It’s not because I haven’t had anything to say, or haven’t been playing poker. I’ve been playing far too much. I just haven’t gotten around to writing anything. Last weekend was my brother’s party. It wasn’t a typical bachelor party. No strippers, and not that much drinking. Just a lot of poker. We took a limo (supposedly a ten person, but we learned that that includes the driver and passenger seat, apparently) down from Manhattan to Atlantic City. The ride down was interesting, but I won’t go into any details, to spare certain people from unneeded drunken embarassment. You don’t really want to know anyway, trust me. We arrived at the Tropicana and checked in. Before we got to the rooms, I put one quarter in a slot machine, doubled my money, and cashed out. I was already up for the weekend. We dropped all our stuff off in the rooms, and then grabbed a cab (well, two) to the Sands to play in the Friday night tournament. Turns out it was limit hold ’em, with no rebuys. None of us did particularly well, though my two brothers lasted the longest. I got absolutely zero good starting hands, and the guy to my left would never fold to a blind steal. I didn’t even try, actually, as I don’t think I ever saw him fold a hand preflop. He must have been doing something right though, because he got a whole lot more chips than I did. I finally ended up all in with an A7, and lost. It was only $35, though, and it was fun. If you want to try your luck at an online casino, you may visit ทางเข้า fun88. The Sands poker room is pretty bad. I tried for 20 minutes before the tournament to get a seat at the 2/4 table. There were names on a list in front of me, and they called the first one. No one ever showed up, but I had to let them know, and ask them to finally call the next name. I eventually sat down and got to play for 13 minutes before the tournament started. I got one flush draw that missed, and lost $22. That would be my last losing session of the weekend. (Thanks to Poker Journal for all these numbers.) After I busted out, I played 3/6 for 25 minutes and made a whopping $1. The Sands poker room is not a non-smoking room (though there was no smoking in the tournament area), and I don’t think I’ll be going back any time soon (not that I’ll be in AC again any time soon, either). We went to Hooters for dinner, and then sat down at the Trop poker room. It was much bigger, much nicer, and much better run than the Sands. It was also completely non-smoking, which is a good thing. I played 2/4 for about 2 hours and made $11. I guess that’s not too bad in BB/hr. My first hand, I get dealt AA. I raise it up, and get a few callers. The flop and turn are 3467, and there’s a bet and a raise before me, so I figure I’m beat. Someone has to have a 5. I fold. At the end, they turn over KJ and Ax. Ace high wins the pot. Oh well. I get AA again two hands later, and it holds up (and I don’t fold, this time). I don’t think there were any other terribly interesting hands We took a break from playing the live game to run a small tournament in the room. I took second place, and got my money back. I don’t really remember much of it, but one hand I do remember: I get AQo UTG. I raise it up my normal 3xBB. It folds around to my younger brother, who looks at me and says, “Ace-Queen, huh?” and pushes all in. I knew he probably didn’t have me beat, but I folded and showed my AQ. He turns over T8 or T7. I still don’t know how he knew. I make that same raise with any hand I want to raise with. After the tournament, most of us head back down to the poker room. I don’t remember too many hands from the session. In fact, I only remember one. I’m dealt Q9o in the big blind. Someone in early position raises, and enough people call that I pretty much have to. Flop comes QQx, and I bet, and get two callers. Turn is another Q. I bet the turn and river, and get two callers. They pretty much know what I have, but are calling me anyway. At showdown, I turn over my cards and say, “Is four queens good?” The preflop raiser shows his AA. I finish this session (2/4) up $67. Unfortunately, at almost 6am I decide to sleep. Even more unfortunately, everyone lets me sleep until almost 2:30. What a waste of time I could have been playing poker. I get up, get showered, and head down to the poker room again, where everyone else is. This time, I sit down at 4/8. I only remember one hand from this table as well. I get K8s in late position, and call. Flop comes T8x, none of my suit. There’s a bet before me, and I call. Turn is another 8. same guy bets, I raise, and he reraises. I figure he could have T8, or TT, so I just call. River pairs my K, giving me eights full. He bets again, and figuring he could have tens full, I just call. He turns over A8, and I rivered someone else for a change. I apologize to him as I’m collecting my chips. This session ends at around 5 (+$59) and we all head over to the Borgata. At the Borgata, we first head over to the Old Homestead to see if we can get in early, even though our reservation wasn’t for another two hours. That fails, so we go check out the poker room. It is by far the nicest poker room I’ve seen, and they have an all electronic waiting list system. It’s very cool, but it’s also a three hour or so wait. Unfortunately, we instead go and play regular table games, and I drop $100 playing Caribbean Stud, which I swore I’d never play again after I played hold ’em for the first time. It was mildly entertaining, but I’m still upset with myself for doing it. About 7:15 we go back to the restaurant, and in my boredom I put $5 in a slot machine. I prefer the gambling machines. I finish with $7, and then it’s time for dinner. I came out +$2.25 on slots games like irish luck slot for the weekend. The steak at the Old Homestead was quite possibly the best (and biggest) steak I’ve ever had. Also probably the most expensive. If you’re craving for delicious steaks, then order premium Texas meat online now at We Speak Meat. We pass on dessert, and head back to the poker room. The wait’s now only an hour, but we decide to skip it and head back to the Trop. We play another tourney in the room, and I bust out third (top two pay) when my 96 two pair is beat by Brad’s K6 two pair. I hang around until the end, and then head back down to the poker room. I sit down at 2/4 for ten minutes, waiting for the big blind to get to me when I seat opens up at 4/8, so I switch. One nice hand from this session: I’m dealt JJ in early position, and raise. It gets reraised, so I cap. Flop comes QJx. I bet, get raised, reraise, and the other guy raises and says cap. It’s just the two of us left, so the dealer says there’s no cap. I just call, anyway, figuring he could have QQ. Turn is a J, and I checkraise. River is a blank, and I bet and get called. I flip my four jacks, and he shows me his aces. Twice in one weekend, I crack aces with quads. Not bad. I finish the session +$146 in 3.5 hours. At 4am, we break for dessert. We go to Horizon’s, where Brad has a rematch with their Strawberry Tall Cake after six years, and loses again, not even finishing half of it. I eat about a quarter of my chocolate cake, and we eventually head back to (where else?) the Trop poker room. I play an uneventful 2/4 session for three hours (+$7), and then head up to the room to pack up. I sleep the limo ride back to Penn Station.
Wednesday, May 5, 2004
The Final Table
I played in two $5+.50 multitable tournaments at UB last night. My UB bankroll had dropped pretty low, and I don’t really play there anymore, so I was just trying to finish it off. I didn’t get very far in the first one. I had about an average stack, pretty early on, and got QQ. Flop comes with a Q as the high card, I make a sizable bet, and someone who has me outstacked pushes all in. I call, and he hits his open ended straight draw on the river. My brother was also playing in this tournament, and he lasted a bit longer than I did, but also didn’t make the money. I played for less than an hour in that tournament (at 8PM) which let me just get right into the next one, which was at 9PM. I was playing pretty tight, and for the most part for the first couple of hours only played premium hands. Not because there were no other hands I would play, but because I was either getting those or absolute junk. I think the only hands I played were JJ-AA, AK and maybe an AQ or AJ mixed in there. No terribly interesting hands, though. Luckily for me, people happened to push all in ahead of me when I got those hands. The guy who did it when I had JJ had a much shorter stack than I did, so I think it was a good call (actually, I raised, to knock everyone else out, which I did.) He had A3s, and no ace, flush, or straight hit, so I took it. I had an above average stack, but not great, when I got dealt 87o in the small blind. There were four or five limpers in before me, something that hadn’t happened too often, so I called. Flop came 69T, rainbow. As Mike McDermott would say, I flopped the nut straight. I checked, and the big blind bet out. UTG raised all-in, and it folded around to me. I pushed in as well, and the big blind called. Since we were all in, our cards got flipped. Everything happened so fast, that I don’t remember exactly what the big blind had. Probably top pair, good kicker, or maybe two pair. UTG had 99 for a set. Anyway, the board didn’t pair up, I took two people out of the tournament, had a commanding chip lead (at that point I think 50k when second place was 30k) and basically coasted to the final table. I believe my exact words in the UB chat after the hand were “holy crap”. I’ll try to get a hand history from UB so I can figure out exactly what happened. From there, I don’t know if I played another hand until the final table. I might have stolen the blinds once or twice. My play at the finally table was pretty similar. I just wasn’t getting hands, and when I did, I mostly just picked up the blinds. That was fine with me. I started the final table in second chip position, and was happy to just watch other people drop out without playing a hand. I don’t think I committed any serious amount of chips at all until there were only four remaining. Even then, I didn’t play much. A few blind steals, and played a few high aces that never got past the flop. I didn’t knock out anyone at the final table. Basically, I just watched, until it was heads up. I think I played heads up pretty well. I started with fewer chips, but not by much, and we went back and forth several times. I finally lost when I had Q9, flopped top pair (queens), and my opponent flopped a set of fours. I checked, he bet, I raised, and he reraised. I probably should have thrown my hand away here, when he reraised a checkraise, but instead, I pushed all in. He obviously called, and I was out in second place. Not bad for my first final table, I think. I turned my $5.50 into $310.40, and my UB bankroll is no longer low. First place paid $480. Tenth place, if I was first out at the final table, would have paid $16. The tournament finally ended at about 1:15, after over four hours. I guess I’ll be playing in more of them sometime. Oh yeah, while I was playing in that tournament, I also had a +34BB session at PokerStars 1/2. 70 more hands and I get my deposit bonus. Then I move on to other places for more deposit bonuses. ![]()
Saturday, May 1, 2004
Full House No Good, Part II
Pokerstars has a rare deposit bonus, 20% up to $120. I cashed out $600 from Party, and deposited it into Stars. I have to play 600 raked hands to get the bonus. I was going to play 1/2, but the wait was long for a 9 person table, so I sat down at a 2/4 (two, actually). I played for a little over an hour, and finished +23BB. There were no terribly interesting hands, and I was just getting lucky with the cards. I then took a break from poker to go to Staples to get something with my $75 gift certificates from American Express Blue rewards, and that expired yesterday. I ended up not buying anything at the store, and ordering a big 4’x8′ dry erase board for $75 off from I’ve wanted a whiteboard for awhile, and now might actually have somewhere I could put it (I’ll have to rearrange a little bit, I think, but it should work well.) Afterwards, I sat back down at the Stars tables, playing 1/2 this time. And I lost. A lot. I knew I was due for a session or two like this, and I didn’t lose as much as I made at the 2/4 tables, but it hurts to lose 36BB in two hours of 1/2. Still a net positive for the day. I lost with a combination of bad play and bad cards (or good cards that get beat, actually). It was mostly bad play. I needed food, but didn’t want to leave until I got my money back, so I was playing hands I shouldn’t have to try to do it. That never works. At least, it never works in the long run, and I knew as I was playing I shouldn’t do it. One nice gem from this session: PokerStars 1/2 Hold’em (8 handed) converter Preflop: penner42 is MP2 with Q♥, Q♦. Flop: (8 SB) 4♣, Q♣, T♠ (4 players) Turn: (5.50 BB) 9♠ (3 players) SB checks, MP1 checks, penner42 bets, SB calls, MP1 raises, penner42 calls, SB calls. River: (11.50 BB) 4♥ (3 players) Final Pot: 19.50 BB Results below: My pocket queens full house gets cracked by quads again, this time on the river. And to think I was happy when that 4 showed up, because I thought I was checkraised when he made his straight. That’s poker for you.
Friday, April 30, 2004
Full House No Good
I saw a rare Mets win last night in LA. They beat the Dodgers 6-1, and it was a fun game. They’re still in second to last place, and have a losing record, but there’s still plenty of season left (for them to get worse). I don’t think I’m going to be heading down to San Diego this weekend to see them play there. I’d like to, but I just have too much to do (read: poker and bowling tournaments). After the game, I played at Party for about an hour after I got home. I said I wouldn’t do it again, but I played four tables. Things started off pretty badly: Party Poker 1/2 Hold’em (10 handed) converter Preflop: penner42 is MP1 with Q♠, Q♥. Flop: (10.50 SB) 2♥, Q♦, 2♠ (2 players) Turn: (9.25 BB) 5♣ (2 players) River: (17.25 BB) J♥ (2 players) Final Pot: 25.25 BB UTG shows 2♣ 2♦ (four of a kind, twos). Talk about an action flop. I flop queens full, and he flops quads. I don’t think there’s any way I could have played this differently. He limp-raised, preflop, UTG, with pocket twos. There was no way I thought he had a 2, and even if he did, I thought I still won. Nice way to lose 12BB (the maximum possible) on the first hand. If it was no limit, I would have lost my whole buyin on my first hand. I recovered nicely, and finished that table +9BB, and overall for the night +30BB. I’m due for a nice losing session again soon, like the -35BB one I had early last week. Overall, my Party bankroll has been growing pretty fast. This weekend, I’m going to try to get to the two tournaments (limit on Saturday, no limit on Sunday), and the Saturday night bowling tournament in Lompoc. Hopefully, my insane bowling will keep up, and I won’t beat on a 5 outer and a 4 outer in the poker tournaments, like last week.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Next and Previous in Category
I just found the Next and Previous in Category MT plugin. Previously, to separate my photoblog from the main one, I had been doing something similar to this. Unfortunately, that padded my entries by about 80k each of PHP code. That’s all gone now. For poker, I’ve mostly been playing the ring games at Party (affiliate link! get 20% bonus up to $100 for signing up, or use bonus code GEEKNPROUD), instead of the sit and go tournaments at Stars lately. It just seems like much easier money that way, plus I’ve had some pretty bad suckouts on me in the past few I played, which are easier to deal with in a cash game, I think. Tuesday night, I was playing 4(!) 1/2 tables at the same time. I don’t think I’m going to do that again for a while, and I don’t think I played very well doing it. I just about broke even, but played enough hands to unlock the $95 bonus I had in there from the two 15% deposit bonuses they just offered. Last night, I stuck to only three tables, and finished at about +20BB. I’m amazed how fast my Party bankroll has grown since I’ve moved up from .50/1 to 1/2. I’ve almost got it to the point where I can move it up to 2/4, but I think I’m gonna stick at 1/2 for a while. Tonight, I’m gonna go watch the Mets lose to the Dodgers in LA, but at least I’ll get to go to a Mets game. It will very likely be one of only two or three I go to all year (I’m not going to San Diego this weekend, and I’ll go see them in San Francisco in a game or two later this year.) I get to see Jae Seo pitch against Jeff Weaver. At least there will be some offense tonight.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Reload Bonus
Party Poker has two reload bonuses going this month. Both are for 15%, up to $100. Yesterday, I cashed out some, and redeposited 15 minutes later for a $30 bonus (when I play 210 raked hands, which I will do.) I’m going to do it again today, but for my whole bankroll there, instead of just part of it. As long as I can play break even poker (and, at Party at least, I play better than that), I make money. I’ve had two pretty amazing sessions there lately, playing 1/2. Both were under an hour, an both I finished better than +50BB. I played fairly well, but also got the best cards when everyone else got good cards (in other words: I got pretty lucky). You have to be lucky to make 50BB/hr. I’ll just give a few of the hands from these sessions. I get dealt A♣2♣ in the small blind. UTG calls, someone in MP calls, I call, big blind checks. Flop comes A♠7♦A♥. I bet, everyone calls. Turn is the 2♥. I’ve made Aces full. I bet, BB calls, UTG raises. We lose the MP player, and it gets capped. River is 5♥. It gets capped this round, with all three of us left staying it. I show my aces full, the other two players muck. BB had K♥6♥ for the flush, UTG had 2♠2♦ for the little boat. I take down a 27BB pot. A few other nice ones: I get 65s in MP. As I’m clicking the box to call, someone raises, and I accidently call the raise. It gets capped behind me, and the pot’s too big to fold at this point. The flop comes 667. I bet, the two preflop raisers call. Turn 4, I bet, two callers. River 8 for my straight to go with my trips. I bet, same two callers. I flip my straight, they muck AA and KK. Like I said, I was getting lucky. It almost makes up for the bad luck I had Friday and Saturday at Chumash. I’ll save my bad beat stories for later. After staying at Chumash all night Friday and well into Saturday, I decided to go watch the qualifying round of the Masters tournament at Zodos. (In case anyone’s confused, I’ve moved the topic on to bowling now.) It was fun to watch, and a bunch of my friends qualified for the tournament. After the qualifying round, I decided to get some bowling in. I had been bowling terribly now for a few months, but I came right out and shot a 244. I think it must have been my first game over 240 in 6 months. My next game, I shot a 254. The lanes must have just been easy. Or not: third game was a 133. I finished off with two decent games and then another 243. After oversleeping, and missing the Sunday morning tournament at Chumash, I went back to Zodos to watch the bowling tournament. Again, I bowled afterwards, this time an insane 22 games (with a two hour break in the middle). I shot another few 240s, and several more over 200. I don’t know what happened, but as soon as my leagues ended, I started bowling well again. At this point, I decided I was going to bowl in the handicap tournament they were having Monday night. I show up Monday night, and after a bit of a rocky start in the first game, I finish it off strong for a 214. Then I go nuts and throw a 241 and a 240, for a 695 series for the first three games (my new high)! I’m a bit annoyed, since I left a 4-6-7-10 split in the 9th frame of the third game, killing my 700 series, and what could have been a 279 game (until that frame, I had all strikes, except for one solid 9 pin that I picked up). Then, I started the last game with four open frames in a row. The first one was a tough pickup, but the next three was easy spares that I should have made. I moved left one board, and then threw four strikes in a row, and finished the game with a 183, for an 878 scratch series, and 1026 handicap. 1026 was good enough to win, by ten pins. I took home $115 for first, and three $33 sidepots (my 241, 240, and series sidepot), for a nice $179 profit. The money’s nice, but I really just wanted to win. I will very likely be going up to the tournament in Lompoc this Saturday, and hopefully my luck (or skill?) will hold.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Full Tilt Poker
Hard to believe this is only my second entry this month. Basically, I’ve just been playing poker too much at parhaatrahapelit-netissä, and not had any time to write anything here. I’ll try to write more (probably all about poker, or maybe some daftar joker123), but I don’t know if I’ll succeed. I’ve been playing a little bit for play money again, over at Full Tilt Poker, while it’s in beta testing. I’m sure I’ll put some money in once it’s ready to go. The interface is pretty good, and it has some nice features, plus it has a good lineup of professionals backing it (and they’ve been playing there, at least so far). If you’re interested in playing for some play money, you should check it out. I don’t know how the referral system will work, but I’m penner42 there (and everywhere I play poker) if you want to put my name in there. Start your winning streak with slot bonus new member 100 today! A week and a half ago, I played in a $60 NLHE tournament, with first place getting a seat in a $1500 buy-in bracelet event at the World Series. I didn’t do all that well, but it was really my first live tournament. I busted out probably in the mid 50s (top 40 paid), but lasted over two hours, and was pretty happy with it. With the tournament entry fee, I got coupons for $30 in free chips in the live games, so it was really only a $30 tournament (and I made more than that back at $2/$4 afterwards). I will very likely be playing in it again this Sunday, even though I can’t actually go to the WSOP event if I win. It’s the same weekend as my brother’s wedding. Additionally, I’ve been dabbling in slot games like พีจีสล็อต222 lately, finding them entertaining and a nice break from the intensity of poker. Now, one poker hand from this week. Not a bad beat, as I was behind the whole way, but a tough one to laydown (and I didn’t). Playing $1/$2 at Party, I get dealt QQ on the big blind. By the time it comes around to me, it’s at three bets, so I cap it. We’ve got four people seeing the flop. The flop comes KQJ, with two clubs. I bet out, get raised, reraise, and get called. We lose one player. At this point, I think I’m in the lead, because if someone had AT for the straight, they most likely would have reraised me. The turn is another K, giving me queens full. I bet out again. I get raised, and we lose the first player. At this point, I know I’m beat. I’m sure the guy who raised me (and the first raiser preflop) has pocket kings. I’m drawing dead, with no straight flush possibility. I call his raise, and then check and call on the river. He shows his four kings, and I show my queens full. I lost $13 on that hand, but still came out with a winning session. I’m guessing the guy who called on the flop had a flush draw, and threw it away when the board paired. I love this game.
Friday, April 2, 2004
In the Money
I played in a $5+.50 tournament at Ultimate Bet last night. Well, I played in two, but got knocked out fairly early in the first one. In the first one, I get KT, flop came ten high, I go all in. I get called by a JT. Turn Ten. River Jack. And I’m out. Bad beat, but no big deal. In the second one, I did quite a bit better. Early on, I got pocket aces, made a preflop raise, and got a caller. Flop came AxA. I flopped quad aces, and couldn’t make any money on it. checked it to the river, and made a small bet (which was called). A little while later, I get dealt JJ on the button. A raise comes from middle position, I reraise, and the small blind goes all-in. The initial raiser then also raises all-in, and I call. The small blind has 66 and the raiser has 99. No one gets any help, and I take two people out of the tournament. This also makes me the chip leader with around 350 (of an initial 679) left. I only really remember one other big hand. I got Q♣J♣ on the button. I limp in. Flop comes A♣K♣4♣. UTG bets, I think for a while, and just call. The turn is a blank, he bets again, and I push him all in. He calls. I show my nut flush, and he shows pocket fours for the set. The river doesn’t pair the board, and I take someone else out of the tournament. I ended up finishing in the money, 39th out of 679. I got paid like $15.50 on my $5.50. I was happy with my finish, and will be doing more of them in the future.
Monday, March 29, 2004
Monster Pot
My poker blog isn’t ready yet, so this goes here. I was playing 3/6 at the Bike yesterday, hadn’t got much of anything, and was down about $75 or $80 after two and a half hours. I get dealt K♣Q♣ one off the button. A few limpers in, and I raise. It gets back to me capped, I call, and we’ve got 6(!) players seeing the flop at what had been a fairly tight table. Flop comes 9TJ rainbow. I flopped the nuts! Someone in early position bets, I raise, he reraises, I cap. We’re down to 5 players. Turn is a blank, but puts two hearts on the board. Early bets again, I raise, and we’re down to three. River comes the 8♥. Early bets out once more, I just call because of the three hearts, and the third guy calls as well. Early better turns over a Queen (I don’t remember his other card) for the sucker straight. I take down the pot. I went from down $80 to up $20. Played another hour or so, and finished up $21. Made $9 in 8 hours the day before. Not really worth my time if I’m just in it for the money. But I’m not. Any time I can play that much and not lose money, it’s worth it for me. Bowling for Boys and Girls Club update: I’ve raised $90. I’ll easily make the minimum, and should come close to the goal. |