geek and proud archives |
Tuesday, October 7, 2003
Strike Three Called, Red Sox Win! (or: I’m absolutely insane)
I woke up at around 8:15 yesterday morning, and starting getting ready to go to work. At about 8:30, I got an IM from a friend up in Sunnyvale telling me someone had just cancelled on him and he had an extra ticket to Game 5 of the Red Sox/A’s Division Series. I responded wish “I wish I could go”, and then showered and went to work. At work, I got on IRC and on PB, like I always do in the morning, and chatted with people for a few minutes. I jokingly mentioned that a friend of mine had an extra ticket and I should skip out on work and drive up for the game. Everyone, without fail, told me there was no way I could miss that game. After about an hour of debating it, I was convinced. I made sure he still had a ticket available, went back home to pick up a few things, and then started the drive to Sunnyvale. The drive, unlike most drives I talk about here, was not uneventful. A little more than halfway there, someone changed lanes right into me, and sent me spinning out over the grass onto the other side of the highway. I was able to get back in control, and pull off onto the grass, but it all happened to fast I didn’t get a license plate or even know what color his The rest of the drive was uneventful. 🙂
After the game, I drove back to Santa Barbara. I got in around 3:30, but didn’t get to sleep until 5. Then I was up again this morning at 8am to vote in the crazy recall election, get an estimate on the car damage, and then get to work. But it was worth all eight and a half hours of driving, another two hours as a passenger in a car, and getting into an accident, to go to the game. I’m really glad I went. I’m still sort of in shock that I actually went. I’m completely nuts. |
…and nobody else on the highway who witnessed it even called in on this guy? Did you call the cops, for that matter?
And dare we ask who you voted for?